First Impressions | 2021-2024

First Impressions is an ongoing print and print installation series that reimagine the U.S. accessible parking placard. It utilizes a variety of printmaking techniques, including intaglio, relief, monotype, and blind embossment, as well as hand embroidery.

The inspiration for this work stemmed from a desire to explore the nuances of disability in/visibility and the spectrum of experience that exists both between and within individuals. By reinterpreting and recontextualizing the iconic parking placard, the series aims to subvert the reductive, monolithic conceptions of disability this symbol has come to represent, instead reflecting the inherently fluid nature of disability as a multifaceted experience in constant flux. 

The materials and processes used in the series are deeply symbolic of these themes. Repurposing copper and linoleum scraps for the figurative plates allows the surface imperfections to become a feature, rather than a flaw of each print—an embodiment of the beauty found in bodies too often marked as broken and disposable. Incorporating blind embossment of various medical tools and mobility aids emphasizes how the presence or absence of such icons of disability can radically change external perceptions even when one’s core identity remains the same—disability is dynamic and not always visible. 

The various installations of this series, each featuring different prints in different configurations, further serve to illustrate the fluidity of the disability experience and its impact on identity. Just as no two prints are alike, no two installations are alike, nor are two experiences of disability alike, nor two different days with the same, dynamic disability.

 In all its evolving forms and configurations, First Impressions invites viewers to reflect on diverse our realities, embracing both the visible and invisible aspects of disability in all its beauty and complexity.

A close up image of First Impressions, Installation IV showing a grid of multicolored prints shaped like accessible parking placards.

The fourth installation of First Impressions was included in SITE Santa Fe’s 2023 SITE Scholars exhibit and featured 132 unique placard prints.

A print installation comprised of a grid of multicolored prints shaped like accessible parking placards. Each print is unique and features a disabled figure in different positions, some with embossed mobility aids and colorful embroidery.

First Impressions (Installation IV), 2023

Print installation of monoprints on paper with embossment and embroidery.

10’ 9.5” x 5’ 4”


